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Transmission fluid coolers
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Derale transmission fluid cooler Tube and fin 14,000 lb. 13102D Transmission fluid cooler Derale tube and fin 14,000 lb

Transmission fluid cooler size 5" X 17" X 3/4". Comes with mounting hardware.

Competitors Price $72.24
Your Cost $72.24
Transmission fluid cooler tube and fin 18,500 lb 13103D Transmission fluid cooler Derale Tube and fin 18,500 lb.

Transmission cooler size 7 1/2" X 17" X 3/4". Comes with mounting hardware.
This transmission cooler features 1/2" copper tubes and 3/4" aluminum fins with turbulator inserts to agitate the fluid flow for increased cooling. Black power coated with plastic fin protectors.

Competitors Price $82.18
Your Cost $82.18
Transmission cooler Tube and fin 20,500 lb. 13104D Transmission Cooler Tube and Fin 20,500 lb.

Transmission cooler size 10" X 17" X 3/4". Comes with mounting hardware.
This transmission fluid cooler features 1/2" copper tubes and 3/4" aluminum fins with turbulator inserts to agitate the fluid flow for increased cooling. Black power coated with plastic fin protectors.

Competitors Price $93.88
Your Cost $93.88
Transmission fluid cooler Tube and fin 22,500 lb. 13105D Transmission fluid cooler Tube and fin 22,500 lb.

Transmission fluid cooler size 12 1/2" X 17 X 3/4". Comes with mounting hardware.

Competitors Price $107.10
Your Cost $107.10
Small tube and fin, power steering cooler. 13200D Power steering cooler, Small tube and fin

Size 1 1/2" X 10" with 11/32" inlet. Comes with mounting hardware.

Competitors Price $44.80
Your Cost $44.80
13501 transmission cooler, 15,500 lb GVW transmission fluid cooler. 13501D Transmission fluid cooler, plate & fin OEM style 15,500 lb.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Size 6" X 11" X 3/4". Kits include mounting hardware.

Competitors Price $74.26
Your Cost $74.26
Plate & Fin OEM Style 17,500 lb transmission fluid cooler. 13502D Transmission fluid cooler, plate & fin OEM style 17,500 lb

Transmission Fluid Cooler Size 7 1/2" X 11" X 3/4". Kits include mounting hardware.
Plate and fin design requires 30% less space to install than tube and fin coolers.
Power coated finish with 3/8" push on hose fittings.

Competitors Price $85.54
Your Cost $85.54
Derale 13503 Plate & Fin OEM Style 20,500 lb. transmission cooler. 13503D Plate & Fin OEM style 20,500 lb. transmission fluid cooler.

Transmission Fluid Cooler Size 9 3/4" X 11" X 3/4". Kits include mounting hardware.

Competitors Price $93.64
Your Cost $93.64
Plate & Fin OEM Style 22,500 lb. transmission cooler. 13504D Transmission cooler, Plate & Fin OEM Style 22,500 lb.

Cooler Size 11 1/4" X 11" X 3/4". Kits include mounting hardware.
Plate and fin design requires 30% less space to install than tube and fin coolers.
Power coated finish with 3/8" push on hose fittings.

Competitors Price $106.50
Your Cost $106.50
DERALE 13220 Tube and Fin frame rail cooler 1 1/2" X  17" long with 11/32" inlet. 13220D Frame Rail Fluid Cooler 17" long w/11/32" Inlets.

Tube and Fin frame rail cooler 1 1/2" X  17" long with 11/32" inlet.
Mounts on the frame next to the transmission.

Competitors Price $56.50
Your Cost $56.50
Derale transmission fluid coolers. Automatic transmission fluid coolers. Transmission pan coolers.